Saturday, March 21, 2009

Official first day of training!

Hello all, Alicia here.  I started my very first day of training today with an easy 30 minute run.  It was a beautiful spring day with blue skies, the smell of fresh cut grass and the sounds of birds singing; a great day to start something new.   I took my two dogs with me, a black lab named Royal Flush and a miniature dachshund named Shiner.  They both did great and had a fun time although I don't think I'll be taking my dachshund once the runs get longer.  Royal on the other hand could probably run the marathon today and still be up for a game of fetch at the end.  

As a non runner (6 miles is the most I've ever run at one time) I am apprehensive at the thought of 26, count em, 26! miles but am trying to stay positive and take things one day at a time.  I'll try to post here as much as possible but when school starts up again (I'm currently on spring break) it will probably be hit or miss.  First "long" run (0.5 miles) tomorrow :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only everyone had as much energy as Royal!