Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It has been almost six months since my visit to the hospital. I have to check the dates, but I think that's about right. That means it's been almost that long since I got off gluten, and about 5 months since I got off corn.

One thing I was told about food allergies (especially the gluten one) was that a symptom can be inability to maintain weight or accumulate a normal amount of body fat.

And my body is finally getting it.

And I am freaking. out.

It's not unhealthy. It's just that...I have always had the bmi of a professional athlete, even when I wasn't in great shape. I always had some kind of ab definition, and a booty that was round from muscle, not fat. I never had cellulite or even any soft spots on my body. So the recent changes and new discoveries are a little unsettling.

Any body change for anyone can be scary. I suppose this is why a lot of women express a sense of panic after weight gain.

I am not big by any means, but my body is definitely changing. I went my whole life thinking that staying in shape would be a breeze because I couldn't gain weight even when I was trying to (unless it was mass amounts of muscle from training for huge events).

It has dawned on me that I have joined the ranks of every other normal American; and that if I want nice abs and a cute butt I'm going to have to work my ass of for it...just like everyone else.

I noticed it the most recently when I was swimming in the pool and realized that my butt was so bouyant it was floating above the water. It was too bouyant. I wasn't quite on plane!

I am more active now that I have a less demanding job; so it should be interesting to see how my body evolves with its newfound ability to accumulate this strange jiggly stuff.

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