Saturday, April 2, 2011

Getting Closer

Well, there are some ideas as to what the doctors can start testing me for. Some of the issues would create a dramatic lifestyle change and others wouldn't. Nerve racking to wait for answers.

In the meantime, they know one thing: there is lots and lots of inflammation in my body. The worst of it in the tissue around my heart and lungs. Lots of other swollen up tissue in other places too. So, before we start the route of extensive and expensive testing for diseases related to these awful symptoms, we are going to start a new diet and a few medicinal remedies. If the diet works I may just have to eat differently forever, which wouldn't be as bad as taking a massive amount of drugs on a daily basis.

First, I am gluten free now. Doc's orders. I am also corn free, dairy free, sugar free and caffeine free. Glad I knew about the gluten free girl already...I guess i will be referring to her blog frequently so I don't starve!


Julie said...

Yikes!!! Hope the diet changes start to make you feel better soon. Only problem with going "free" of everything all at once, is that you won't know which allergen is causing the problem...
Keep me posted!

The Schaefers Go To Hawaii said...

Yeah she said to start by taking gluten out and hen to start taking other things out if its not super effective. The big emphasis was on gluten though.